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Project information

Implementation of a new regulator for the Endesa's AGC

L. Rouco I. Egido F. Fernández-Bernal

May 2001 - November 2001

Funding entity Endesa Generación

The research project «Optimization of the configuration and tuning of the Endesa's AGC» has proposed a new regulator for the Endesa's AGC. This regulator determines the rate demanded from each generating unit so that the regulating requirements Red Eléctrica de España requires from Endesa are fulfilled at a minimum operating cost. Simulations have confirmed the performance of the proposed regulator. The aim of this project is to implement the designed regulator in the current Endesa's AGC. The main applications are expected to be: (1) the improvement of the current Endesa's AGC performance and (2) the validation of the regulator to be implemented in the new Endesa's AGC.
